10 Benefits of Dark Sky Compliant Lighting for Homeowners

10 Benefits of Dark Sky Compliant Lighting for Homeowners

Discover how dark sky compliant lighting can enhance your home's aesthetics, reduce energy costs, and protect the environment.

What does it mean to be dark sky compliant?

‘Dark Sky’ refers to the absence of artificial light in the night sky. If you live in or anywhere near a city, you know the effects of light pollution on the night sky often making it hundreds of times brighter than a natural starlit one. This artificial light has a serious impact on plants and animals. Luckily, there are ways to mitigate the effects of artificial light by using outdoor lighting that is dark sky compliant.

Dark sky compliant lighting requires International Dark Sky Association (IDA) certification.  To be certified, lights must:

  • Restrict amount of upward-directed light
  • Avoid glare
  • Avoid over-lighting
  • Use dimming or other appropriate lighting controls
  • Minimize short-wavelength (bluish)light in the nighttime environment

But if you don't like the look of the dark sky fixtures available, don't worry! Many fixtures can be adapted to be Dark Sky compliant. Many of Modern Bungalow's outdoor Wall Mount and Pendant lights can be made with a film over the glass so that the majority of light is emitted through the bottom of the fixture. Just ask!

See our review below of ten key benefits that make Dark Sky lighting a great choice when it comes to illuminating the outside of your home.

1. Reduction in Light Pollution

One of the primary benefits of dark sky compliant lighting is its role in minimizing light pollution. By directing light downward and reducing glare, these fixtures help keep the night sky darker, preserving the natural environment and reducing the adverse effects of light pollution on humans, plants and wildlife.

2. Energy Efficiency

Dark sky compliant lighting fixtures can use less energy compared to traditional outdoor lights. By focusing light only where it's needed, these fixtures eliminate wasted light, leading to lower energy consumption (up to 70%) and reduced utility bills.

Keep in mind that color matters. LEDs do contain more blue light, which has been shown to be harmful to nature. To be certified, the blue light must be minimized. Dimmable LEDs or lights with a color temperature of no more than 3000K emit a warm glow and look like a low-spectrum LED. 

3. Improved Sleep Quality

Reduced light pollution can have a positive impact on human circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. Dark sky compliant lighting without all the blue light that blocks the melatonin hormone promoting sleepiness helps maintain a natural nighttime environment, promoting better sleep quality and overall health.

4. Environmental Benefits

Using dark sky compliant lighting helps protect nocturnal wildlife and reduces your carbon footprint. These fixtures minimize light trespass, or light that shines beyond the boundary of the property. This can disrupt the nighttime behaviors of animals who rely on natural light rising in the morning and setting at night.

5. Better Night Sky Visibility

Dark sky compliant lighting enhances your ability to enjoy stargazing and the natural night sky from your home. By reducing light pollution, these fixtures allow for clearer, more vivid views of stars and celestial events, making your outdoor space more enjoyable and enriching.

6. Enhanced Curb Appeal

Dark sky compliant lighting adds a sophisticated and clean look to your home. These fixtures, like Arroyo Craftsman’s Carmel Wall Mount, are designed to direct light downward, reducing glare and creating a polished appearance. The focused lighting can also highlight architectural features and landscaping, which boosts your home's visual appeal.

7. Increased Property Value

Installing dark sky compliant lighting can increase the resale value of your home. Buyers appreciate homes with environmentally friendly and energy-efficient features. Dark sky compliant fixtures not only improve aesthetics but also demonstrate a commitment to sustainable living, making your property more attractive to potential buyers.

8. Greater Safety and Security

Targeted lighting improves visibility around your property without causing glare. Dark sky compliant lighting illuminates walkways, driveways, and entrances effectively, enhancing safety and security for homeowners and visitors. This focused light ensures that areas are well-lit without disturbing neighbors or creating blind spots.

9. Compliance with Local Regulations

Some communities have started implementing ordinances aimed at reducing light pollution. Adhering to dark sky lighting standards keeps you compliant with local regulations, avoiding potential fines and contributing to community-wide efforts to protect the night sky. It wouldn’t be surprising to see more regulations like these in the not so distant future.

10. Long-Term Cost Savings

Dark sky compliant fixtures are known for their longevity and durability. These high-quality lights require fewer replacements and less maintenance over time, leading to long-term cost savings. The investment pays off in reduced maintenance and replacement expenses.

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